Monday, April 12, 2004

So yeah, spring break was hella fun- at least, the parts of it that I wasn't sick for...Memphis is quickly becoming my fave city, which is why I'm thinking it looks good for law school.  Plus free room and board if i choose to go up there...perks are always nice.  Alex and I bummed around the city for a few days- went to a couple of my fave spots (Silky's, Jillians, just to name a few), and got to hang out with his friend Liz, who has the coolest job ever (for all you gaming nerds out there, ask me about her job) Spent the remainder of break bumming around locally with old and new friends- Tereasa, you're my #1 beach pal, even if I am going to look like a lobster for anchor ball.  And there's nothing like spending time with your oldest friends- got to see emily for a few days.  I hate the fact that she's miserable, but think that she'll be happier at Auburn next year.  And I love being at home- it makes my mom sad to think that I'm going to be in London for a good chunk of the summer.  But let the countdown begin...Amy, Jen and Anna- it's gonna be one hell of a good time.
Being sick sucks.  But medicine with codeine makes everything look a lil better...