Saturday, January 27, 2007

It's been a hot minute since I last said anything.  So, without further ado, here goes nothing.




That's about what my head feels like these days.  I work my butt off, go home, rinse, repeat.  Not a whole heck of a lot has changed.  Well, some things have, but I'm not quite ready to broadcast it to the universe via xanga yet.  Nia moved back to Montgomery, and Finger moved in.  I love my house, but it's a wee bit different living with him.  As pantry is in alphabetical order.  The house is (always) clean.  The movies are arranged by title.  Wait.  The PANTRY is IN APHABETICAL order.  Yes, my friends...I am living with an OCD organizer.  I think, for April Fools Day, I'm going to rearrange his world...UN-alphabetize everything. 

In other news, even though the Saints aren't playing in the Super  I think hell froze over with that team this year. 

I need a vacation.  And a boat drink.  And I don't have either one.