Monday, February 5, 2007


Valentine's Day is on the brain for a lot of people--I personally choose not to take the holiday seriously, as I believe that I can tell someone I love them any day of the year, and I don't need a corporate-sponsored holiday to make someone feel special.  (and for the record, if 2/14 is the only day out of the year that your significant other makes an effort at romance, maybe you should work on that....)

Day 6...Miss P has a good one.  (Although I'm promised that tomorrow's is going to be a whopper.)  I've had fun writing these blogs over the last several days, and would love to keep it up--my readers are my inspiration, so anytime you want me to write about something, someone, or whatever floats your boat, let me know.  I

Now.  After that little sidebar...
Long distance relationships.  Yay or nay?  Even though I've done them and it lasted for over a year, it wasn't easy. So if you meet a great guy or girl and he or she lives in another state? Do you try to make it work?  Do you walk away?

My oh my.  I sit on the fence on this one.  BIG time.  Can it work?  Absolutely.  Is it going to be easy?  Absolutely not. 

I don't know that it's necessarily based on the distance factor insomuch as that people don't want to take the time and effort to fully develop a relationship these days, and a relationship means having a rock-solid foundation of trust and open communication.  If a couple takes the time to build that foundation, then they can withstand anything, distance included.   Being apart the majority of the time takes a different level of commitment.  Some people would argue that it's less commitment, because you don't spend as much time together.  But in reality, it's as much or more of a commitment than for two people who live in the same town and can spend time together on a regular basis.  You have to trust your partner to go out and be in social settings without you, and trust that the boundaries that you've set with one another will be respected. 
Anyone who knows me for more than 5 minutes knows that I'm a believer in the magic of love, and with that comes the idea that there is one Mr. or Mrs. Right. (ok, ok--i know not everyone buys into that theory, but I do, so leave me alone :-) And who am I to say that I won't meet Mr. Right on a flight to Tokyo?  Or on a cruise across the Atlantic?  Or online?  Or next door?  He may live across the street, across the state, across the country, or across the globe.  But if he truly is the right person for me, then all will work out as it should, and the distance issue will take care of itself.
Is it for everyone?  No.  I don't think some people are willing to take on the unique challenges that a long distance relationship entails.  And some people aren't secure enough about themselves and their own position in a relationship to be able to handle the pressures of being apart.  But I don't think that a person should be written off because of distance.  Taking a chance is what makes life worth living.