Wednesday, August 4, 2010

shamefully loved

After reading this article this morning, I had to compile my own list of foods that I shamefully admit that i lurrrrve. There are some foods that, no matter how bad I know they are for me or how many ingredients I'll never be able to pronounce, they still sing their siren songs from the aisles of the grocery store or the drive-thru line...

1.  Ketchup-flavored Pringles.  Once a limited edition and now freely available on the grocery shelves, my friends cringe when I pull them out.  But to a ketchup-loving fiend, these are the gods of the cylindrical cans...
2.  Fried bologna.  Maybe it's a southern thing.  I don't know.

3. Cherry 7UP. It's a Shirley Temple in a can. 

4.  McD's Big Mac and fries.  I know.  One of these alone can cause heart failure, death in minutes, pimples, a massive weight gain, a diabetic coma, etc.  But it's what's calling my name when I see the golden arches...

5.  Banana-flavored moon pies.  Growing up in the south, especially in parts of the south that celebrate Mardi Gras, I have always loved moon pies.  Even if they're a weird shade of yellow and sometimes get crushed in the street before making it into your loot bag, they still taste amazing, especially after you zap them in the microwave and pair it with some vanilla ice cream...