Tuesday, February 3, 2009

to the teachers

I didn't quite realize how many friends I had that are teachers.

And I didn't realize how much love, care, and patience they put into what they do. 

Even the worst of my teachers growing up ("y'all are bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and ready for the streets, go partay late at night and sleep through my class...."  sorry.  I digress.) spent hours preparing lesson plans and having the background knowledge to get through the class,

And the best teachers---they're the ones that made going to school worth it. Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. Moore, Sra. Skidmore, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Threadgill, and even Father Williams for senior seminar (oh, Irish Lit and Drama, how I loathed thee...but listening to your really old records was pretty awesome. And having class at an Irish pub even awesome--er.) ...it was so obvious that these teachers absolutely loved what they did, loved the subject they taught, and they put their heart and soul into what they did. 

So here's to you, my awesomely awesome teacher friends.  I hope that the kids you teach enjoy your classes as much as I enjoyed some of my favorites.  I hope that the kids you teach one day look back on you as I do some of my favorites, and that, in later years, those kids come back to visit you at school.
