So today is supposed to be about a hobby I have.
Reading isn't a hobby.
Reading is a passion.
Old books. New books. Electronic books. All books. I could go on and on about books...but instead I thought I would list my top books--there are so, so many books, and so so many genres that I could literally list books all day long...these are in no particular order, just great, great books.
2. Acheron (part of a series)
4. Outlander
10. Eat. Pray. Love. (way better than the movie. trust me)
11. Middlesex
13. On The Road (Kerouac and I don't exactly get along-but still worth it)
14. The Count of Monte Cristo (probably one of my all-time favorites)
15. Les Miserables
16. Dubliners
17. The Help
Books can take you anywhere. Can make you be anything. Can help you see things in a different perspective.
And this is, no lie, what my table might look like at any given moment:
"All is changed, changed utterly. A terrible beauty is born!"
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