Oh, the places you will go...
I love to travel. I love getting lost in a new city and finding some hole in the wall restaurant or store, or discovering some off-the-beaten path pub or bookstore. I even like sitting in airports and on planes, because you never, ever know who you might see or meet. On one flight, this H-U-G-E man came rumbling down the aisle and sat next to me. Five minutes later, he's showing me pictures of his fights.
The Huge Man was a professional wrestler. Like, Monday Night Raw professional wrestler.
And then there's the little old lady who chatter the whole flight, or the guy who falls asleep and drools the whole time, or the woman working on her "novel."
But I digress. Somewhere I've traveled.
I've been all over the country. I've been all over the UK. I've been to Mexico.
But one place stands out for me.
I loved Stonehenge. I loved the mystery, the unknown. I loved the raw open field with absolutely nothing around except the towering stones. I would go back in a heartbeat.
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