Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 07 Blogging Challenge

The person or thing that has had the biggest impact on my life.

I was convinced that this was going to be a person-so many amazing people have had impacts on my life, in both positive and negative ways.   Everything that I am and my views about the world are shaped by the people I have come into contact with...I believe that it's true that we are all balls of clay that are molded by the circumstances of our lives.

But I realized that:
1.  I couldn't narrow it down to one person who has the biggest impact and
2.  I wouldn't be in contact with half of the people that have had impacts if it weren't for one thing.

The internet. Between blogging, social networking, and the vast array of...STUFF, the internet has completely changed the way we interact, the way we learn, and the way that we view the world around us.  My generation, and all of the generations to follow, have never known life without it.  I was in college when Facebook began, and I wouldn't remember how to write a paper without Google Scholar...kidding.

We get the news faster, we are more globally savvy (as a whole), and sites like People of Walmart and Awkward Family Photos give us something to laugh at.  Whole companies freak out when the server is down, and it makes headlines when sites like Facebook are not working.  Like it or not, the internet has shaped our world and the way we feel about the people and things in it.