Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I found my old Xanga blog, and have slowly been importing those entries here. It's amazing to look back at years ago and laugh about the big, the small, the funny and the not-so-funny.


I'll be moving them a couple at a time...i heart my TACA girls :-)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The words we live by

So many people have asked us where we got the script for our wedding ceremony, and I love telling people that we wrote the majority of it ourselves.  We've had several people ask us if we can use all or part of it for their own ceremony, and I could think of no higher compliment.  All I ask is that if you do use it or someone you know uses it, just let me know!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Changing Tides

Yesterday was such a weird day.  I woke up in a blah mood (mostly because of the weather), but nothing out of the ordinary.
We covered the domestic violence chapter in our Assessment class yesterday, and as I was listening, I kept remembering my own experiences with the ER on 8/14/05 and hoping and praying that I would be a more compassionate, more understanding, less judgmental nurse than that one I was (un)fortunate enough to have that night.  During class, I wasn't really upset, just very adamant that my classmates understood that domestic violence absolutely knows no boundaries.  There is a stereotype (thanks, Jerry Springer) that is portrayed in the media, and that stereotype is a death sentence if we as a society can't get past it. There is no one "type" of person that is a victim of domestic violence.  It could be an isolated incident, like mine, or it could be an ongoing pattern, but to have a specific picture in your head of what a victim looks like is dangerous, especially for someone who works in the health care industry. 

Monday, September 14, 2009

A New Addition!

The Walters Family got a little bit bigger yesterday--

This isn't Cooper  Cooper is a spazztard that won't sit still long enough to take a picture.  This is, however, the closest picture I could find!
Jake...not so fond of Cooper.  If looks could kill, Cooper wouldn't have lasted through the night.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Happy SEC game day!

I forgot I had a blog while I obsessed with myspace. But that's over now, so I'll post more regularly.