I knew she was going to pull this out of her hat before too long. Call it a hunch.
I know I'm going to set some people off. I know that this is a major debate. All I ask is that you respect my decisions and opinions as well as the decisions and opinions of anyone else who has the balls to comment on this one. You don't have to agree with me, you don't have to like me. But respect me.
{as written by Miss P}
Abortion- What side of the line are you on? Is the line gray? Whose choice is it? What if girl wants one and guy doesn't? Should it be unlawful for her to terminate in this case? What if pregnancy was from rape?
This is a majorly serious discussion topic today. Hopefully it doesn't get to violent of a debate. Let's all remember to respect the right for people to have their own opinions. I myself would never under any circumstances abort. However in the case of a rape I would have to seriously think about if adoption would be better for the child.
I have so many conflicting ideas on this topic. When describing myself, I'm staunchly pro-choice. I'm pro-choice because 25% of maternal deaths occur because of trying to get an illegal abortion. I'm pro-choice because a woman, in a desperate situation, is going to choose, regardless of whether the choice is legal and protected by the US government. I'm pro-choice because the question the government is asking isn't really about abortion, it's about the grey line between church and state, and about trying to scare women and girls into abstinence. I'm pro-choice because the I support the use of, and the education about, sex education, contraception, and the like, rather than naively believing that kids won't have sex if they're not taught about it in school. I'm pro-choice because the "pro-choice" movement supports the advancement of women, not just surrounding the topic of abortion, but in areas like prenatal care, insurance, well-baby visits, maternity leave, and women's health, whereas the pro-life movement only seeks to force someone else's theology on women. I'm pro-choice because a child should be given every opportunity in the world to succeed--being unwanted from day 1 is no way to start life. I'm pro-choice because I believe that my beliefs are exactly that...mine. The government has no grounds to decide my morals and values. The government has no grounds to decide if my decisions coincide with the religious right.
It astounds me that people think that by overturning Roe v Wade that abortions will disappear. People, are you really so naive? Again, women are going to choose. The question is whether or not she can choose safely. Women die from the horrors of back alley procedures. Did you know that in some Latin American countries, where abortions are nearly always illegal, that the black market abortion industry is one of the most lucrative?
Where do men come into the picture? Does a woman have a responsibility to tell a man that she's carrying his child and that she is...or has already...terminated the pregnancy? Absolutely. I'm a firm advocate for father's rights as well. Even though I have a lot of choice words relating to women's rights, there are so many men who are left out in the cold when their partner discovers that she's pregnant. A man has a right to know that he is the father, and in some sense has a right to have a say in the decision. It takes two to tango in the first place, after all.
Was someone watching House this week? Because the topic of rape was at the forefront. Anyway. In cases of rape, I again go back to what I was saying. A woman is going to choose. Will she remember the rape every time she looks at her child? Maybe. Maybe not. Can she live with what happened to her? Is she able to bring a child into the world in an emotionally frail state? Those questions are not mine to answer. But regardless, a woman should have the right to choose what to do with her body. She was violated and the choice to have a child was not one that she was prepared for. It wasn't even a risk that she was taking. It was a choice that was forced upon her. More than any other reason to choose, a victim of rape should have access to an abortion if she so chooses.
To see Roe v Wade overturned would be a crying shame and a step in the wrong direction. Children are a blessing, but are also a major responsibilty. Rather than decry the number of irresponsible people who have children born into poverty or into situations in which they can't be protected, allow the woman to be responsible. Allow a woman to choose.
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