Thursday, June 1, 2006

It's been a while.
I started a new job on 5/ that I absolutely adore.   is tiny now, but look for it in the next few years to take off.  I love working with start-up companies, and I couldn't have asked for a better place to work.  Not to mention a heck of lot more in pay and benefits and other perks
And last weekend--great times, great times.  Except for the rope swing incident (see my myspace for the details on THAT one), all was fantastic.
But I'm on my soapbox again, and it's an issue that keeps coming back around, but one in which i CANNOT begin to understand.
I understand that we live in south Alabama, which puts us in the heart of the Bible belt.  I get it.  I understand that this area of the country is chock-full of conservative republicans--got that, too.  But what I fail to understand is how ANYONE can blur the lines between church and state the way it's been done here.  Take Roy Moore, for example.  His ENTIRE platform for governor is the idea of Christian values and idealogy. The idea of the "Christian" views on marriage, abortion, and other hot button issues.  yeah, more power to you, Mr. Moore.  But what if half the state were Buddhist?  Muslim?  Jewish?  Agnostic?  Educated? 
I do not understand how politicians--especially today--can so blatantly ignore the Constitution of the United States, which clearly states that that the Constitution delegates no power to government over religious affairs, and that the First Amendment explicitly prohibits the government from establishing or controlling religion. The effect of this arrangement is to leave Americans free to worship, believe, and support religion as they see fit. Additionally, we believe that separation deprives government of its ability to coerce adherence to religion, or to compel the support of religion against an individual's will.
FREE TO WORSHIP AS THEY SEE FIT.  I understand that there are wide arrays of beliefs, even beliefs within beliefs, but to impose YOUR beliefs on other is against the very foundation of the US Constitution. Why does no one say anything or call this to light?  Why are we so accepting of political commercials advertising "conservative Christian values"?  "Christian" has no place in a political campaign! Nor does any other religion!  Education, criminal record, contribution to society--fine.  Religion?  No place for it.
Welcome to the dark ages.