Sunday, July 25, 2004

My friends are freaking insane.  JD- it's really funny that you mention the fanta song in one of your posts, because Lunchbox has been singing that stupid song incessantly since we've been here because EVERYONE here drinks fanta.  It's everywhere.   That and Zoolander.  You'd think that Zoolander ran Europe the way Jenny and Amy quote the movie.
England is lovely, rainy, and cold, but still lovely.  We went to the beach yesterday (in Brighton) and...welll...I miss Dauphin Island.  Their idea of a beach is pebbles.  Although Amy did comment that it was nice to not have sand in your bathing suit...
We're still having a jolly time, and for those of you still back in the states, I miss you guys!!!
I promise that I'll update with all of our adventures once I get back to the states.  Internet cafes are not conducive to long updates.
Hugs and kisses and ciao til next time!