Sunday, April 25, 2004

Okay, so I was reading my comments from my quasi-religious/political post.  And I feel that I need to make something known.
I am a Christian.  Albeit, not the strongest one at times.  But I do know where my heart is.  However, after reading some of the comments, one in particular, I have issues with some things that were said.  As a non-Catholic at a Jesuit university, I've had a hard time grappling with a lot of issues, many being that I disagree with a lot of the stances the Catholic church takes on a lot of issues.  However, that being said, I respect those who are Catholic.
However, I have serious issues with anyone...ANYONE...telling me, or anyone else, that I am a "bad" Catholic/Episcopalian/Presbyterian/Lutheran/Christian/Mormon/Atheist/Pagan/Agnostic/
Who are you to judge my actions or what is in my heart?  Who are you to stand in judgment of someone else?  Who are you to cast someone out of the "Catholic Club," as you called it?  This is why I have such issues with the Pope.  I'm sorry, but he's just a man, just like everyone else.  Being a Christian, or being whatever, is a personal decision.  Per-son-al.  Having a relationship with whatever you believe to be a higher power is for you and for you alone.  Sharing in fellowship with others can be a wonderful thing, but in my book, your heart and your actions are only to be judged by Him and Him alone. 
So I'm sorry for going off on this rant, but I think it's something that I feel strongly enough about tog et my point across.  You don't necessarily have to agree with me- most don't, since I take fairly liberal stances on most controverial issues such as abortion (pro-choice), homosexuality (full supporter of full rights for gays and lesbians), and other hot button issues.  Don't like it? Don't like me?  It's okay.  But you better be damn sure of your own heart and conscience before casting the first stone at someone else.  Be careful.