Wednesday, June 30, 2004

So, Joe's funeral was today.  It was bittersweet in a lot of ways.  He's been in a lot of pain, and he's suffered so much that I know that he's in a better place now.  But it's still hard, because so many of my memories from high school have him in it.  At the service, this girl got up before the cerermony and played a song on her flute.  It nearly broke me to hear it, b/c anyone who was a part of the flute section at Fairhope knew that song by heart, as it was the All-State music, as well as the song that Joe played over and over and over again.  They also played music from Five Iron Frenzy, his favorite band.  And to be quite honest, to quote his pastor, I don't know of anyone else who could be buried in his Batman t-shirt and still make it look cool. 
Joe touched so many lives, and he was only 21 years old.  He never failed to make me laugh, to be there when I needed someone, to be a shoulder to cry on.  For someone so young, he was far wiser than his years.  Even in the face of surgery after surgery, pain after pain, he still kept smiling.  I am a better person for having known Joe. 
And at the wake, Laura and I joked that, once again, this was Joe's unique way of doing things.  He loved his friends and family, and didn't want to wait until our 10 year reunion.  So, in true Joe style, he brought everyone together one last time.  It was like a FHS  reunion, Joe Waldrop style. 
Joe, you were an inspiration to all who knew you.  Your faith in Jesus and your love of all things beautiful touched everyone around you.  You will be missed.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Today is horrible.  I think I need to go back to bed and start over.
The first thing I heard this morning is that my friend Joe had passed away.  Joe and I went to high school together, and he was always prone to health problems, and it finally the better of him.  He passed away Friday morning.  He was only 21.  I know he's in a better place now, but I'm still kind of shell-shocked.  I talked to Robert this morning, and I think we're going to go to the wake together this evening.  Rest in peace, Joseph Ryan Waldrop.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

A case of the nervous Caitlin has set in.  Butterflies in the stomach everytime I think of airplanes.  You'd think, since I've been travelling all of my life, that this wouldn't faze me.  On the contrary, it has me absolutely a nervous wreck. The idea of being on an airplane for endless hours has me wanting to freak out.  Any suggestions, other than a whopping does of Valium or Ambien?  Oy vey.
I'm still missing 2 of the books that I need.  I can't find the copy of Shirley Valentine anywhere, and one of the other books is on backorder. Yippee. 
Rain, rain, go away.  It has rained forever, it seems.  I just want some sunshine...
I finally heard this song yesterday, and it goes out to all of my fave chicas.  Enjoy your summer!

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Ha.  I am officially a definition in Nicole's endless glossary.  (Thanks to JD for pointing that out.)  See "Fabulous".
Got my flight info and stuff yesterday.  15 days til I hop the pond.  Amers, you're my buddy, right?  Did I mention that I' not particularly fond of flying?  Especially for 8 1/2 hours?  Oh, well.  A month in London can't be beat...excited doesn't do it justice.  I'll be updating on here when I can, so be sure to check for updates on the goings-on across the Atlantic.
Ciao til later.